Fluid Mechanics - Learn the basics of Fluid Mechanics

Ruhi Singh
By -

Fluid Mechanics Short Notes

Fluid Mechanics is the study of the behavior of fluids, which are substances that flow under the application of shear stress. Liquids and gases are the two primary types of fluids. 

Fluid Mechanics Short Notes

Basic Concepts

  • Fluid: A substance that deforms continuously under the application of shear stress.
  • Viscosity: The resistance of a fluid to flow.
  • Pressure: Force per unit area.
  • Density: Mass per unit volume.
  • Velocity: Rate of change of displacement.
  • Acceleration: Rate of change of velocity.

Fluid Statics

  • Hydrostatic Pressure: The pressure exerted by a fluid at rest.
  • Pascal's Law: Pressure applied to a confined fluid is transmitted undiminished to every point within the fluid.
  • Buoyancy: The upward force exerted by a fluid on an object immersed in it.

Fluid Dynamics

  • Fluid Flow: The motion of a fluid.
  • Flow Rate: The volume of fluid passing through a given cross-section per unit time.
  • Continuity Equation: Mass flow rate remains constant in a pipe of varying cross-section.
  • Bernoulli's Equation: Relates pressure, velocity, and elevation for a steady, incompressible fluid flow.
  • Reynolds Number: A dimensionless parameter that predicts whether flow is laminar or turbulent.

Applications of Fluid Mechanics

  • Hydraulic Systems: Used to transmit power and control machinery.
  • Aerodynamics: The study of the interaction between air and moving objects.
  • Hydraulic Engineering: Design of dams, canals, and pipelines.
  • Meteorology: The study of atmospheric phenomena.
  • Biofluid Mechanics: The study of fluid flow in biological systems.

Key Equations

  • Hydrostatic Pressure: $P = ρgh$
  • Bernoulli's Equation: $P₁/ρ + v₁²/2g + h₁ = P₂/ρ + v₂²/2g + h₂$
  • Continuity Equation: $A₁v₁ = A₂v₂$

For further study, refer to the following topics:

  • Fluid Properties: Viscosity, surface tension, compressibility.
  • Flow Measurement: Pitot tube, Venturi meter, Orifice meter.
  • Flow Visualization: Smoke visualization, dye injection.
  • Turbulent Flow: Mean and fluctuating quantities, statistical analysis.
  • Compressible Flow: Mach number, shock waves, nozzle design.

This is a brief overview of Fluid Mechanics. It provides a foundation for understanding the principles and applications of this important branch of engineering.

Fluid Mechanics

Fluid Mechanics - Learn the basics of Fluid Mechanics

Fluid Mechanics - Learn the basics of Fluid Mechanics

Fluid Mechanics - Learn the basics of Fluid Mechanics

Fluid Mechanics - Learn the basics of Fluid Mechanics

Fluid Mechanics - Learn the basics of Fluid Mechanics

Fluid Mechanics - Learn the basics of Fluid Mechanics

Fluid Mechanics - Learn the basics of Fluid Mechanics
