Vector Addition: A Comprehensive Guide

Ruhi Singh
By -

Vector Addition - Learn the fundamentals of vector addition, including graphical and analytical methods, triangle and parallelogram laws, and component resolution. Enhance your understanding with practical examples and real-world applications.

(toc) #title=(Table of Content)

What are vectors?

A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude (size) and direction.

Importance of vectors in physics and mathematics

Vectors are indispensable tools in both physics and mathematics due to their ability to represent quantities that have both magnitude and direction.

Brief overview of the concepts covered in the post

The post will delve into the world of vectors, covering both their conceptual understanding and practical applications.

Vector Addition: A Comprehensive Guide

Graphical Methods of Vector Addition

Triangle Law

Parallelogram Law

Polygon Law

Analytical Methods of Vector Addition

Component Method (2D and 3D)

Formula for Resultant Magnitude and Direction

Vector Subtraction

Concept of vector subtraction

Graphical and analytical methods for vector subtraction

Vector Products

Scalar (Dot) Product

Vector (Cross) Product

Applications of vector products

Lami's Theorem

Statement of Lami's Theorem

Derivation and proof

Applications of Lami's Theorem