INDUSTRIAL - Break-Even Analysis, Inventory Control, Line Balancing

Ruhi Singh
By -

 1. Break-Even Analysis

  • What is Break-Even Analysis?
  • Importance of Break-Even Analysis
  • Key Components of Break-Even Analysis
    • Fixed Costs
    • Variable Costs
    • Contribution Margin
    • Break-Even Point
  • Break-Even Analysis Formula and Calculation
  • Break-Even Analysis in Decision Making
  • Break-Even Analysis Example
  • Limitations of Break-Even Analysis
(toc) #title=(Table of Content)

Break-even analysis, fixed costs, variable costs, contribution margin, break-even point, cost-volume-profit analysis, profitability analysis

INDUSTRIAL - Break-Even Analysis, Inventory Control, Line Balancing

2. Inventory Control

  • What is Inventory Control?
  • Importance of Inventory Control
  • Inventory Control Models
    • Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Model
    • ABC Analysis
    • Safety Stock
    • Reorder Point
  • Inventory Control Techniques
    • Just-In-Time (JIT) Inventory
    • Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI)
    • Consignment Inventory
  • Inventory Control Challenges and Solutions
  • Inventory Control Software

Inventory control, inventory management, economic order quantity, EOQ, ABC analysis, safety stock, reorder point, JIT, VMI, inventory software

3. Line Balancing

  • What is Line Balancing?
  • Importance of Line Balancing
  • Line Balancing Process
    • Task Identification and Time Estimation
    • Precedence Relationship Determination
    • Line Balancing Heuristics
  • Line Balancing Metrics
    • Cycle Time
    • Takt Time
    • Efficiency
    • Balance Delay
  • Line Balancing Software
Line balancing, assembly line balancing, cycle time, takt time, efficiency, balance delay, line balancing software

4. Production (or) Build-up Model

  • What is Production (or) Build-up Model?
  • Importance of Production (or) Build-up Model
  • Production (or) Build-up Model Components
    • Production Rate
    • Consumption Rate
    • Inventory Level
    • Setup Cost
    • Holding Cost
  • Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) Model
  • Production (or) Build-up Model Applications
    • Manufacturing
    • Construction
    • Project Management
  • Production (or) Build-up Model Challenges and Solutions
Production model, build-up model, economic production quantity, EPQ, production planning, inventory management

5. Forecasting

Master Forecasting: A Comprehensive Guide to Predicting Future Trends

formulas and concepts related to forecasting, queuing theory, PERT & CPM, and sequencing
  • Introduction to forecasting
  • Importance of accurate forecasting
  • Different forecasting methods (simple moving average, weighted moving average, exponential smoothing)
  • Calculating forecast error (MAD, MSE, MAPE)
  • Case studies and examples
  • Best practices for forecasting

6. Inventory Management

Optimize Your Inventory: A Guide to Effective Inventory Management
  • Understanding inventory management
  • Importance of inventory control
  • Inventory models (EOQ, reorder point)
  • Inventory management techniques
  • Inventory management software
  • Case studies and examples

7. Operations Management

Optimize Your Operations: A Comprehensive Guide to Operations Management
  • Introduction to operations management
  • Key concepts in operations management (queuing theory, PERT, CPM, sequencing)
  • Operations management tools and techniques
  • Improving operational efficiency
  • Case studies and examples

7. Project Management

Master Project Management: A Guide to Successful Project Delivery
  • Introduction to project management
  • Project management methodologies (PERT, CPM)
  • Project planning and scheduling
  • Project risk management
  • Project monitoring and control
  • Case studies and examples

8. Supply Chain Management

Optimize Your Supply Chain: A Guide to Supply Chain Management
  • Introduction to supply chain management
  • Supply chain management challenges
  • Supply chain management strategies
  • Supply chain technology
  • Case studies and examples