Metallurgy - Chemistry Short Handwritten Notes [PDF]📚

Ruhi Singh
By -


Metallurgy is the science and technology of extracting metals from their ores, refining them, and alloying them to create useful materials.


An ore is a naturally occurring mineral that contains a metal in a form that can be extracted economically.


A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic, solid substance with a definite chemical composition and a characteristic crystal structure.

Types of ores

There are four main types of ores:

➡️ Oxide ores: These ores contain the metal in the form of an oxide, such as hematite (Fe2O3) and magnetite (Fe3O4).

➡️ Sulfide ores: These ores contain the metal in the form of a sulfide, such as galena (PbS) and chalcopyrite (CuFeS2).

➡️ Carbonate ores: These ores contain the metal in the form of a carbonate, such as siderite (FeCO3) and malachite (CuCO3).

➡️ Native metals: These metals occur in their free state, such as gold, silver, and copper.

Metallurgy - Chemistry Short Notes 📚

Concentration of ores

Concentration of ores is the process of removing unwanted materials from the ore, such as gangue minerals and moisture. This is done by a variety of methods, including crushing, grinding, and flotation.

Extraction of metals from ores

The extraction of metals from ores involves a number of steps, including:

➭ Conversion of the ore to an oxide: This is done by roasting or calcination.

➭ Reduction of the oxide to the metal: This is done by smelting or electrolysis.

➭ Refining of the metal: This is done by a variety of methods, such as electrorefining and fire refining.


An alloy is a mixture of two or more metals. Alloys are often stronger, harder, and more corrosion-resistant than pure metals.

Some common alloys

➭ Steel: An alloy of iron and carbon.

➭ Brass: An alloy of copper and zinc.

➭ Bronze: An alloy of copper and tin.

Handwritten Metallurgy - Short Notes 📚 

Metallurgy - Chemistry Short Notes 📚

Metallurgy - Chemistry Short Notes 📚

Metallurgy - Chemistry Short Notes 📚

Metallurgy - Chemistry Short Notes 📚

Metallurgy - Chemistry Short Notes 📚

Metallurgy - Chemistry Short Notes 📚

Metallurgy - Chemistry Short Notes 📚

Metallurgy - Chemistry Short Notes 📚

Metallurgy - Chemistry Short Notes 📚

Metallurgy - Chemistry Short Notes 📚

Metallurgy - Chemistry Short Notes 📚

Metallurgy - Chemistry Short Notes 📚

Metallurgy - Chemistry Short Notes 📚

Metallurgy - Chemistry Short Notes 📚